Have you visited with the fun gals Jana and Rosemary (otherwise known as the Poobahs) over at the Order of the Opus Gluei yet? Every week they host a new challenge, often unusual and usually slightly off-the-wall, but always guaranteed to be a blast! How could they not be with the first line of the Opus Gluei oath stating, 'I hereby promise to avoid conventional thinking regarding the processes for the creative processes'?
This week's anniversary challenge #52 is to 'Make Something'. Take that challenge as you will; I went literally and finally posted this Braces Survival Kit I created from a Cutting Cafe Pencil Box template. I've been brainstorming the conversion ever since I won this fun template from Charlene (Paper and Ink Playground)'s blog months ago, actually completed it a few weeks ago, and finally posted it here!
Contents include tootbrush and mini tootpaste, chapstick, brush flossers, and a treat to ease the pain -- pixie stix!
Join in the fun by 'making something', admire other Opus Gluei groupies' creations, and be prepared to giggle your way through the Order of the Opus Gluei!